Though we are not accepting donated items at the church, you still have the opportunity to contribute directly to the Chilhowee Baptist Association, where the need remains significant. Kindly ensure that you ONLY donate items from the specified list and note that no used items will be accepted.


  • The CBA needs day volunteers to go and serve in our shower trailer ministries. Our Baptist Association has 10 shower trailers that have been deployed and are onsite in 10 locations in East TN where the people were most impacted.  We need volunteers who can drive there and help minister to people using those trailers.  Please contact Chilhowee Baptist Association if you are interested in volunteering. The link below will take you to their site.


  • You can give financially to the people in need. 100% of your gift will go directly to needy families in East TN/West NC.  The Chilhowee Baptist Association is collecting the funds and will work with the local Baptist Associations who have direct contact with needy families.  They will minister to those families in meeting both their physical needs and their spiritual needs (Gospel ministry).  We will follow up with the association and let the church know if there are further opportunities to go and assist in this ongoing effort.  The GIVE link below will take you to the CBA financial donation page.